Jerry David DeCicca Imaginational Anthem vol. XIII : Songs of Bruce Cockburn (2024)
Jerry David DeCicca New Shadows (2023)
Todd Deatherage Good Feeling (2023)
Randy Reynolds Come on Joy (2023)
Pink Nasty Meets El Cento Charge My Phone (Single) (2023)
Matt Kivel Bend Reality ~ Like a Wave (2022)
Son of Cormack I Love it When it Rains in Texas (Single) (2022)
Jerry David DeCicca The Unlikely Optimist and His Domestic Adventures (2020)
Bret Egner Tapestry (2020)
Dena Hope In Transit (2020)
Chris Gantry Nashlantis (2019)
Will Beeley Highways and Heart Attacks (2019)
Jerry David DeCicca Burning Daylight (2018)
Static Diary Static Diary (2018)
Sarah Jaffe Bad Baby (2017)
Gavin Tabone Quartet Live at The Wire (2016)
Cara Pollard Esta No Es Un Trompeta (2015)
Jerry David DeCicca While No One Was Looking: Toasting 20 Years Of Bloodshot Records (Compilation) (2014)
Kevin Aldridge The Viper Sessions (2014)
Shibboleth, El Cento Idol Christmas (2011)
El Cento El Cento (2011)
The Rodeo Music Maelström (2010)
Trey Johnson Where the East Ends (2010)
Trey Johnson Mount Pelée (2009)
Calhoun Falter Waver Cultivate (2008)
Shibboleth Experiment in Error (2008)
Shibboleth Shibboleth (2003)
Jude King of Yesterday (2001)
Brad Thompson & The Undulating Band 9,000,000 Beats Per Minute (1997)