Don Cento

Producer / Guitarist / Composer / Designer - Austin, TX

Behind the Pine Curtain

Jonny Burke

New record alert. “Behind the Pine Curtain” by Jonny Burke was a long time in the making. It began as a couple of casual demo sessions at my studio with Jonny, Scott Davis and myself. A few months passed, most of a pandemic happened, and all the while Jonny and I kept talking about these songs. About his experiences that lead to them and how to put them together in an honest way. Jonny says it well in his post and I encourage you to visit his IG for that (@jonnyburkefordogcatcher). Special thanks to Scott Davis (@scottyd1975), Will Dupuy (@willdupuy) and Josh Blue for their amazing playing and most excellent vibes. Produced, Recorded and Mixed by yours truly at CenTones. Mastered by James Driscoll (@hottonicmastering).